
  1. Mexico is a very diverse country. Their climate fluctuates in different areas depending on the altitude of the area and their temperatures. Although Mexico mainly consists of plateaus, low coastal plains, and high land mountains, Mexico also has deserts in the North and rainforests that are located in the South. Aside from that, Mexico's six major rivers are the Rio Grande and the Usumacinta from the North and the Grijavala, Balsas, Panuco, and Taqui from the South.
  2.  Mexico's climate is distinct throughout the areas. Up on the west contains more of the countries dry areas while in the South is a more productive region because of their wet climate in that region.
  1. The annual range of temperature and precipitation between Veracruz City and Mexico City  is that Veracruz City's annual temperature range is at 25 degrees and their annual precipitation range is at about 1753 mm. Furthermore, Mexico City's annual temperature range is about sixteen degrees and their annual precipitation range averages 709 mm.
  2. According to, Honolulu's annual average temperature is at 25 degrees and their annual average precipitation is 126 mm. Comparing Honolulu and Mexico City, Honolulu has a more tropical wet and dry savanna climate with dry summers whereas Mexico City has subtropical climate with dry winters.
  3. Mexico city has less seasonality similar to Honolulu but apposed to Honolulu having very steady calm weathers during every season, Mexico weather during seasons are sporadic. Some days or months are rainy and other times it's dry. Their two main seasons are the rainy and dry seasons. The rainy seasons occur between May through September or October. The rest of the year, there is little to no rain.

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